Yong Hock Kin Badminton Academy

Restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions, public transportation, parking lots, pharmacies, and ATMs can be found in the vicinity of Yong Hock Kin Badminton Academy. The academy is located at c/o Sports Complex Batu Berendam PT 13671, Mukim, 75350 Batu Berendam, Malacca, Malaysia. For contact, you can reach them at +60 13-363 8181. The geographical coordinates are 762W+7W Batu Berendam, Melaka, Malaysia. For more information, you can visit their online presence via the following link: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOtaaz837Ouo56vO_y-Bijo5McZP3P4KQifaX2n=w408-h306-k-no


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