The IWF officially announced the new rules from 1 February 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The biggest change in the new BWF scoring rules is the abolition of the serve point system, the implementation of the point per ball system, in addition to all individual events will be set at 21 points per set win. The new scoring rules are as follows:
Singles matches
- Each match will be played in two out of three sets;
- The first team to score 21 points wins the match;
- If the score is 20-20, the winning team needs to outscore its opponent by 2 points to win the match;
- If the score is 29-29, the first side to score the 30th point wins the match;
- If the score is tied at 29-29, the team that scores the 30th point wins. 5. The team that wins the first set takes the lead in the following set;
- When a team has scored 11 points in a match, both players will take a 1-minute break;
- The break between sets is 2 minutes;
Special rules for doubles matches
- Change from double serve to single serve;
- The back serve line is retained and the current rules apply;
- Before the start of the match, both players determine which side will choose whether to serve first or second by tossing a coin;
If the teams are playing between an A/B pairing and a C/D pairing, the A/B side chooses to serve first. Let’s say A is standing in the right hand area of the pair, then A serves first to C in the diagonal position (hypothetically), and if the A/B side scores then A and B need to swap each other’s standing meta-areas, as well as the fact that it is up to A to serve the ball to D (with no change of position between the A/B side scoring C and D pairing);
If the C/D side scores at this point, then all four players on both sides do not change positions, the right to serve is given to the C/D side, and the ball is served by the D who has just received the serve, and the D serves the ball to the opponent who has just served the ball to the A player
If the C/D side scores after D serves, then C and D switch positions and D serves to B. If the A/B side scores after D serves, then both players don’t have to switch positions and the serve is given to B.
In general, in addition to changing the doubles match to one serve, other rules are similar to the original rules, there is no major change, the fans will not feel uncomfortable when watching the game, perhaps the speed of the game and the speed of growth of the score is the audience initially watch the game the most uncomfortable.
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