Knowledge of standard badminton courts and nets

Badminton Court Standards

The badminton court is a rectangular court measuring 13.40 metres in length, 6.10 metres wide for doubles and 5.18 metres wide for singles. The width of each line on the court is 4cm, measured from the outer edge of the line. The boundaries of the court should preferably be drawn in white, yellow or other easily identifiable colours.

The minimum space above the entire court is 9 metres according to international regulations, within which there must be no beams or other obstacles, and there must be no obstacles within 2 metres of the perimeter of the court. There should be a minimum distance of 2 metres between any two courts side by side. The walls around the pitch should preferably be dark in colour and not windy.


Badminton net standard

The badminton net shall be 6.10m long and 76cm wide, made of high quality dark natural or man-made fibre, with the size of the net holes between 15-20mm, the upper edge of the net shall be sewn with a 75-wide double-layer white cloth (folded in half), and with a fine steel wire rope or nylon rope passed through from the mezzanine layer, and securely hung between the two net posts. The standard net should be yellowish brown or grass green. The net posts shall be 1.55 metres high, and the two posts shall be positioned at the mid-point of the doubles court sideline for both singles and doubles. For official matches, the top edge of the centre of the net must be 1.524 metres above the ground and the ends of the net 1.55 metres high. The ends of the net must be fastened to the posts and there should be no gap between them.

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