What are the wrong grips for the racket?

In badminton, the grip is really a seemingly simple, but the learning is very deep. Do not say is a beginner in learning to grip will be prone to all kinds of easy to make mistakes, even if it is a badminton professional athletes, but also often because of the errors in the grip and affect the further improvement of its technical level.

Beginners in the learning of the basic grip, mainly easy to appear the following errors:

  1.  Adopt the “western style” grip method grip. This grip method in badminton batting, mainly in the near net pouncing ball and sealing the net is more often used.
  2. “A grasp” grip, that is, the index finger is lower than the thumb and the middle finger and hold the racket together.
  3. The index finger is too far forward and directly pressed on the top of the racket handle, making it difficult to grip the racket tightly at the moment of hitting.
  4. Gripping the racket too tightly before hitting the ball, leaving no space between the palm and the handle. This directly affects the flexibility of the grip and the power at the moment of striking the ball.
  5. When gripping the racket, the piriformis muscle is not flush with the end of the handle, resulting in the end of the handle being exposed. This is the correct grip for doubles serves, flat blocks and net closures, but should not be used in general. Similarly, it is not appropriate to hold the racket too far back.

The correct grip for badminton is relatively easy to learn, but it is not so easy to really master in the actual use of the racket. Therefore, it is inevitable to make some mistakes when you first learn, even if you are fortunate enough to have the guidance of a master, but also because you have not yet fully grasped the essentials of hitting, the grip will often go out of shape, and often back to the original wrong action. Therefore, in the process of batting practice, we must develop a good habit of reminding ourselves to “check whether the grip is correct”, which is especially important for a beginner, so that after a period of training, it will not be difficult to learn the correct way to grip the racket.

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