Badminton Racket YONEX VTPS Reviews

Switching to a handful of green factory low end tunes for flavor.

The transfer cost is not high, in the second-hand channel this beat 80 + can be picked up, the proper bottom of the product. There may be a lot of players who are scared again when they see the VT series, the high-end racket is hard, the low-end racket is wooden and hard, and it’s another burning stick. It has not yet gone to the DG series kind of high poundage resistance route, I guess it is a pure white board.

There are good things about whiteboards, at least sometimes you can go into a trial with zero expectations and be pleasantly surprised at the end of the trial and realize, “Hmmm, this racket threads really well! That’s a really nice threading of the shot!” .

The point is, it’s actually the last of the VT line, launching in 2018.

Parameters: 5UG4, de-bottomed, total weight of 84.97g in use condition, balance point 310mm, center pole length 215mm, medium hardness, boxed racket frame, 72-hole wire bed, 9-3 point wire groove, warranty 28lbs, threading 26lbs Li-Ning 1 line.

Eh, the appearance of the obvious not to go, a very patchy look and feel, very consistent with the green factory’s attitude towards low-end shoot, but the production line of these products would have been in the country, is to go to the quantity and not quality, in addition to the asymmetric design of the racket frame in addition to nothing good to say.VTPS with 3 colors, my personal feeling fluorescent green and red is a short man in the pulling the generals, one reminds me of the ZSP, the other VOLTRIC Z-FORCE 򊏐 򊏐 򊏐 򊏐 򊏑 򊏑 򊏐 򊏐. However, the paint strength is also not good and the cone cap is prone to blemishes. The name of the product is a bit interesting, power soar, which translates to “for example, the enhanced version”, which is also rough enough.

At first I thought it was a bit strange that a 5U model came with a G4, but after getting my hands on it, I realized that this racquet probably wasn’t intended for female users.The VTPS is a typical head-heavy, lightweight attacking racquet, and the grip is similar to that of the 4U head-heavy racquets, which are very heavy and fall into your hands. At the same time, the stiffness of the shaft is a level higher than the official rating, which creates some positive feedback when dealing with high shots. The tungsten wire tube increases the swingweight of the racket, so the VTPS is really powerful, and with a more flexible wire, you can hit a high ball out of bounds if you’re not careful. However, after reaching the power standard, I found that the feeling of one more point of force is out of bounds, and one less point of force is not to the bottom line is more obvious in the VTPS, which is good for the upper hand, but the sense of control of the long ball is not so strong.

The power feel of the racquet was good, however just when I thought it would be an entry level lightweight reckless choice, I noticed a problem – the downward feel of the racquet didn’t match its head heavy feel. Several times, after getting a good shot, a kill shot turned into a flat draw, which was laughable. Is it a problem with the hitting point? This didn’t happen with the NF800LT, which is also a 5U racquet and has a faster swing speed, and it didn’t happen with the lighter VTFB 6U, so I can’t find any reason other than my own poor control of the point of impact, since the difference between the high end and low end of the range is only in the materials.

Although the center stick is tuned on the soft side, the face hardness is not low, so the feedback from hitting the face is relatively more direct, which improves the subjective experience of the racket’s hardness, which is the same as the low end of the AX/VT series that I used to use.

It doesn’t seem to have a lot of effective control or offense, but it’s good for catching transitions or sudden big-angle kills, and occasionally it’s possible to hit a pressing kill from the backcourt when you get the right spot to hit the ball.

After this insight, the racquet becomes quite boring. 1 line of VTPS is still usable at present, so I can really experience the power of its VT series from time to time in some of the power shots, but the tuning is not balanced, the consistency does not reflect the advantages of 5U, the flat draw block feels moderate, and it is more difficult to get rid of it when it is continuously pressed by the diagonal backhand position, compared with the other lower-end racquets.

There’s not much more to say, at this price, this performance, the place to earn is to get the YY label, so look at the racket instead, it’s okay.

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