Knowledge of badminton nets and posts


  1. The nets shall be dark-coloured, high-quality fine rope. The net shall have square holes and each side shall be between 15-20 mm in length.
  2. The net is 760mm wide at the bottom.
  3. The top of the net is made of 75 mm white cloth folded in half and passed through the interlayer with ropes or wires. The top edge of the white cloth must be tightly fitted to the ropes or wires.
  4. The ropes or wires must be of sufficient length and strength to be securely tensioned and level with the top of the net posts.
  5. The net must be 1.524 metres high in the centre of the court and 1.55 metres high at the doubles touchline.
  6. The ends of the net must be fastened to the posts with no gaps between them.

Net Posts

  1. The height of the net posts is 1.55 metres from the ground level of the court. The posts must be securely perpendicular to the ground and keep the net tightly stretched and should be placed on the sidelines of the doubles.
  2. If it is not possible to set the net posts, alternative methods must be used to mark where the touchline passes under the net. For example, use thin posts or 40mm wide strips fixed to the sidelines vertically up to the top rope of the net.
  3. On a doubles court, the net posts, or strips representing the net posts, should be placed on the doubles sidelines, regardless of whether a doubles or singles match is being played.


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