[Review Experience] Extra chicken legs tonight. Offensive speed shots | VICTOR 98K

I’ve been wondering what to name this review, Soldier AURASPEED? Chicken sharp weapon? The former seems to be a bit earthy, the latter seems to be a bit of two, and to be honest and badminton has little to do with, not to mention that I’m still a backward young man who does not play many games, to really talk about eating chicken, but instead of the chicken, cassoulet and so on, I’m more familiar with the chicken.

I came up with this random name after playing a doubles match with my oldest brother, not because of the phrase “great luck, eat chicken tonight”, but just *habitually* eat something to celebrate after a good game to keep my weight down, for fear of accidentally turning into a big, skinny guy 🙂

What makes a good racquet?

Balance point, center stiffness, moment of inertia, deformation recovery, I can talk to you for days and nights.

In fact, it is still the same sentence: a good racket is a good racket if it hits well.

There are two prerequisites here: first, the public thinks it is good; second, you think it is good.

The public think it’s good to play means that this racket is not a big problem, and it won’t be idle in the warehouse, and it’s really not suitable for you to resell it second-hand, so you won’t lose any money. If you think it’s good, congratulations!

The object of this review is a racket that “I” think is good. The reason why I put “I” in quotes is because this 98K is really suitable for me, not that it kills the ball how fast, picks the ball how high, but just use it to play, I can play better, and meet the masters can put the posture of the relatively good-looking some.

Speaking of AURASPEED series, in fact, the author was very disliked at the earliest. Around the previous generation of speed series to play over the equipment party also more or less have the same dislike. Not to mention that AURASPEED does not sound as good as Extreme, just from the sense of playing, AURASPEED has not inherited the characteristics of Extreme at all. If you use a simple word to summarize the Extreme Series, I think it can only be swift, a very rigid and direct, can not be disobedient speed. But if AURASPEED, it’s hard to say, as far as the current lineup is concerned, it’s all too soft.

The insistence on extreme speed and dislike of AURASPEED lasted until the beginning of this year. Until a certain time to leave the court for two or three months, and again returned to find that the state slipped seriously, the hand of all the gods can not play out. So try the 90S, sugar water to the extreme parameters, really too suitable for the virtual to mixed doubles squatting net, let the girl to kill the ball I, before and after the three, really fragrant!

Then I swore to my friend who sold me the racket that I would only play AURASPEED 90S from now on. And I used all of them, however, with the recovery of the 90S, I began to dislike it too light, too soft. In the end, three of them were given away and used ……

I read the reviews after the 90K came out and it seems like it’s heavier and harder than the 90S, and it still has that smooth whippy feel that the 90S has????? That’s the nature of the thing, I got hard when I heard about it! But looking at the paint job… Well, the white color of the racket frame looks too fat, and the paint job seriously lacks a sense of speed…

Until the protagonist of the review, the AURASPEED 98K was released…

The 3U weighs 88g, has a balance point of 295, a stiff center shaft, and a slightly stiffer frame. 98K’s parameters are the most suitable for the general public to get used to the speed of the attacking racket, and any stiffer, heavier, or more balanced racket will be harder to get used to. If you don’t have a lot of power, we suggest you choose the 4U, although the 3U is not difficult to handle, but the 4U will be more comfortable.

AURASPEED 98K uses carbon fiber grips. A boon for towelers and sweaty hands!!!!

This carbon fiber handle was first priced higher on the VICTOR Boxer BXR, the cost is really not low, but the performance is much more stable! And because the internal filling of the shock-absorbing material density can be adjusted, can be more fine-tuned to the power feedback, I such as the “metaphysical party” for this kind of clear, understandable technology is still very convinced! The actual experience, this G5 handle wrapped towel glue seems a little thick? I should have known that I should have gotten a G6, and put on a long-fleece GR338 towel rubber.

The frame still adopts the scabbard structure inherited from the JS11, and a few simple grooves can be used to adjust the local stiffness of the frame in exchange for a more comfortable rebound feeling. AURASPEED is also significantly better than AURASPEED in that the frame has a more comfortable feel and wraps around the ball more comfortably. AURASPEED 98K is special in that it has a high frame stiffness, which makes it crisp when putting the ball on the net, but with a hint of ejection when killing the ball, which is a great feeling! It combines clear power feedback on small balls with a thicker package for heavy kills!

The most unique feature of the AURASPEED series, besides the more ejective feel of the frame, is the whip gain system. This is the main reason why I really liked the 90S in the first place! In short, it is very easy to experience the whip feeling, and compared to other softer stick racket deformation recovery faster, there will not be obvious drag or head flopping.98K in the whip feeling, a little close to the 90K and BXR, but also a low difficulty to kill the ball racket.98K may kill the enemy 500, self-loss of 200, while the main offensive claws may be to kill the enemy 600, self-loss of 400.98K may be to kill the enemy 600, self-loss of 400, but also to kill the enemy 600, self-loss of 400. If you don’t have the stamina to crush your opponents, then a racquet with a low threshold of offense like the 98K is a guaranteed fighting chance!

This review was paired with a VBS66N, and the poundage is the author’s usual poundage. As long as the line is not soft, then basically can still play. Overall, the 98K is a great speed attack racket for the masses, with a slightly higher overall 3U weight and a moderately hard feel. The feel is very close to its predecessor, the Extreme 12, just a little more sugary, better on the hand, but not as harsh as the JS12, after all, the price is also lower.

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