FZ FORZA Ti170 Badminton Racket
The FZ FORZA Ti170 is a badminton racket designed for amateur enthusiasts. Launched in March 2011, this racket offers a balanced performance with a flexible shaft and a moderate balance point at 290mm. The frame is reinforced with titanium mesh at 2 o’clock, making it suitable for all-around players or casual sports. The material of the frame is 24T ultra-stiff CNT carbon fiber, and the same material is used for the shaft. The racket weighs 3U and has a length of 674mm. The grip size is G5, and the shaft’s flexibility is soft. The recommended string tension is 22-26LBS. For more details and a visual representation, please visit the link: https://eqimg.badmintoncn.com/201111/m_201111281531050Uz6CILRen.jpg?imageView2/1/w/200/h/200/q/75/format/webp