Equipment type: badminton racket. Equipment brand: FZ FORZA. Applicable scope: professionals. Price range: 601 – 900 yuan. Launch date: March 2011. Equipment introduction: Head-light (balance point 286mm). The middle shaft is relatively hard with extremely strong controllability, suitable for net players. Frame material: 40T ultra-rigid nano-carbon fiber. Shaft material: 40T ultra-rigid nano-carbon fiber. Racket weight: 3U. Racket length: 675mm. Grip thickness: G5. Shaft toughness: relatively hard. Stringing tension: 24 – 28 LBS. Balance point: -https://eqimg.badmintoncn.com/201111/m_20111128173908hXaDUqL9Jp.jpg?imageView2/1/w/200/h/200/q/75/format/webp.