Power 376 Badminton Racket
Type of Equipment: Badminton racket. Brand: FZ FORZA. Series: POWER series. Applicable to: All. Price range: Unknown. Launch date: Unknown. Equipment introduction: The FZ Power 376 badminton racket features a frame made of carbon fiber and a shaft also made of carbon fiber. The racket’s weight is 3U, with a length of 675mm. The grip size is G5, and the shaft’s flexibility is not specified. The maximum recommended string tension is ≤26LBS. The balance point is not provided. Image link: https://eqimg.badmintoncn.com/202212/m_20221207105354iBTmx2Yy2g.jpg?imageView2/1/w/200/h/200/q/75/format/webp